KAC Podcast

How to Bridge a Cross-Cultural Gap - Dave Wright

Kamloops Alliance Church Season 4 Episode 3

We are thrilled to introduce Dave Wright to you! Dave and Judy Wright are missionaries of Osler Mission Chapel who serve under Ethnos Canada, formerly New Tribes Mission. Their primary ministry for the first 20 years was as church planters in Papua New Guinea, and the last five years in Canada, in church engagement. 

Dave and Judy both came to faith at early ages while Dave became enthralled with tribal missions as a teenager through the stories of furlough-ing missionaries. It was while at Millar College of the Bible that God matured Dave’s passion for missions and led Judy as well. 

While in Papua New Guinea, they had the privilege to be a part of the team that planted a church amongst an unreached people. They reduced the spoken only language and culture to writing to teach and translate God’s Word so there was true biblical transformation that shone through that distinct culture. Today there are three churches with 100+ believers who are well on their way to maturity. 

Having worked themselves out of a job in 2015, the Lord transitioned them to a new ministry with Ethnos Canada to engage the Canadian Church. They are adapting Ethnos’ sharpened approach to church planting/discipleship materials from overseas in order to provide the church with a relational structure to disciple-making so that all peoples are established in Christ and equipped to make disciples. Already, God has opened up many doors of opportunity to bless the church in Saskatchewan, working with Indigenous people.

In this episode, Dave and Chris talk about what it looks like to bridge a cultural gap.  This conversation is both extremely helpful and extremely challenging, and will give you lots of food for thought!