KAC Podcast
The KAC podcast is meant to provide you excellent content that will equip you in your apprenticeship to Jesus. Each episode will feature raw and authentic conversations with thinkers and leaders in their respective fields. We cover topics that sit at the intersection of faith and culture, providing you the resources and tools you need to know Jesus and make him known.
KAC Podcast
Responding to Your Questions - Chris Throness & Danielle Johnson
Kamloops Alliance Church
Season 5
Episode 6
In this episode, Danielle Johnson will have a conversation with Chris Throness about our Relatable Series, where we’ve unpacked God’s good design for relationships, looking at marriage, singleness, friendship, celibacy, and sex.
We asked you to send in your questions pertaining to these topics, so in this episode Chris and Danielle will unpack your good and thought-provoking questions, as we seek to learn together what God’s heart is for our relationships.